history and background information
king and the royal family
and Peace
Historical monuments
and temples

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The Present King
As we
know, the King of Thailand is a respected figure in Thailand and globally.
The present Thai Monarch, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., on Monday the 5th of December 1927.
After a period of primary schooling in Bangkok, he went with his Family to
Switzerland where he received his secondary as well as university
education. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej acceded to the Throne as
Rama the IX of Thailand on the 9th of June 1946, when he was only 18 years
of age! He married at the age of 18. Thailand had only became a
Constitutional Monarchy since 1932 and His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej
is the first real reigning Monarch under the new system because the
previous king, his brother died at the age of 20. He caters to the full to
all the Buddhist traditions of Thailand including giving up his regal
duties and becoming a Buddhist monk for a while in order to meditate and
make merits.
How The King Gained Respect
King have been to all 72 provinces to know the local conditions and
problems of the people. After consulting officials concerned, the King
would use the best ways to help them. The King always puts in his best for
the people's health, welfare and education. He has helped to set up and
supervise numerous Foundations and action groups in such fields as Public
Health ,Education and Disaster Relief. His Majesty's ingenuity and
intellectual leadership in analysing the problems of land reclamation and
the usage of arable land to its fullest content led to instigation of land
development projects with infrastructures necessary for agriculture such
as the construction of weirs and dams for watershed development and flood
control. The King also initiated projects have provided farming families
with permanent and sufficient land to work and to live on, thus
eliminating shifting cultivation and illegal settlements. His Majesty's
also initiated the devising of the Artificial Rain-making Project to
provide water to arid areas in order to sustain crops beset by drought.
Apart from tending to the material needs of education, His Majesty has
managed to strike a remarkably close relationship with the country's
youthful citizens and particularly with students of all levels. The
relationship between King and people is thus firmly built upon the bases
of mutual trust, interest and affection. One of the political successes of
Thailand is of course, the present King and his contributions.